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Understanding the Account Dashboard
Understanding the Account Dashboard

Learn the basics of the dashboard page and what the values mean.

Ryan Haidinger avatar
Written by Ryan Haidinger
Updated over a week ago


When you login to your Address Guard account, you are brought to the dashboard screen and will see various metrics related to how well your program is running. This guide is meant to walk you through the various values, charts, and next steps.

There are 3 sections of the dashboard:

  • Top Blocks

  • Main Chart

  • Recent Activity

Top Blocks

The top section of your Dashboard consists of 4 colored blocks:

  • Orders Processed - This # value represents orders that have processed via the Address Guard platform for verification check. This includes both automatic orders or imported orders via Sales Channels. This will be the same # of orders that have flowed through your e-commerce platform.

  • Failed Deliveries Prevented - This # value represents any shipping addresses that were undeliverable or triggered a deliverability based Address Rule which was enabled, and then the customer fixed the address based on our suggestion, form or email notification.

    A few examples of failed deliveries include: missing apt / suite #, missing street number, missing street name, missing P.O. Box / private box # , or an unrecognized address. In all instances, Address Guard indicated to the customer of the issue, and the customer then updated the address to be deliverable.

  • Shipping Delays Prevented - This # value represents all other instances of address correction where the customer may have entered a misspelled street name, wrong address component, wrong state, or wrong zip code and then utilized the suggested address to correct it.

    A shipping delay is a less severe issue compared to a completely undeliverable address issue, but still an important aspect of the overall experience that we aim to correct to ensure proper deliver.

  • Cost Savings - This # value represents the total calculated cost that Address Guard has saved your brand in both carrier fees and customer service handling cost. Whenever a failed delivery, or shipping policy address rule is triggered and then resolved, we contribute this to the total cost savings that Address Guard has delivered to your brand.

    You can adjust the values for both the carrier fees & customer service handling, by clicking the "Adjust Cost" button on the top right.

Main Chart

The middle section of of the Dashboard, presents our primary chart which is a larger view of the top 4 blocks. You can click each block to see a complete date breakdown of all data points based on your date range selected on the top right.

Once you're happy with the results, you can also click the Export CSV button to receive a CSV download of the information presented in your selected timeframe.

Recent Activity

The right timeline shows a quick overview of the latest orders along with their status. To view a complete overview of your orders with a detailed breakdown click into: Order History from the left menu.

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