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Email Validation - Quick Setup Guide

Get started by validating customer email addresses in your orders

Ryan Haidinger avatar
Written by Ryan Haidinger
Updated over a week ago


This article will help give you a complete overview of our Email Validation service, coupled with best practices and recommendations. Today, our Email Validation service, is available for:

  • Shopify / Shopify Plus

  • Manual Usage (single & bulk tools)

  • API

We will be adding support for additional platforms later this year.

Get Started

To begin using Email Validation alongside our address verification service, the first step is to enable the Email Validation feature by going to:

  • Order Automations > Email Validation

  • Click the slider to Enable, then click Save

Once the service is enabled, Address Guard will begin to automate the validation process against all of your customer orders. If an issue is detected, we will prompt the customer based on the prompt you have enabled for your account (Before Checkout or After Checkout).

Prompt Text Customization

Within the same page (Order Automations > Email Validation), we also allow you to customize the text that is shown to a customer when an issue is detected. There are two options available:

  • Email Invalid - This validation response is shown when the email address could not be verified, and the customer is being asked to update or confirm.

  • Email Suggestion - This validation response is shown when a common typo for a large email provider exists, and Address Guard is suggesting a change (ex: gnail > gmail). Once the customer accepts the suggestion, the email address is updated in the system.


Email Validation is an optional service, which charges $0.01 per email validation. With Address Guard, you are only charged 1 time per order, regardless of the number of email changes a customer makes.

A breakdown of your billing for both shipping address, email validation or phone number validation can be seen by going to: General Settings > Billing

Next Steps

Now that you have a complete understanding of our Email Validation service, we recommend to check the next few articles to see how the service will appear to your customers and within your Shopify orders page.

Have a question?

Be sure to ask our team via the Live Chat button on the bottom right, or contact your account manager directly via email / phone to learn more.

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